The Private Label Food Products Market in China

report| 28 January 2022

China's private label market has in recent years experienced rapid growth, growing 23% from 2019 to 2020.

The growth that the market has experienced, coupled with its potential to develop in the same way as it has in Europe and the Americas, indicate great potential for even further growth and opportunities.

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The private label food products market in China is large and ever-changing, and one needs to have a good understanding of the market before entering.

This report on the private label food products market begins by laying out the definition of a private label product, and contrasting it with white label products, before highlighting the key categories. The report then proceeds to shed light on the market as a whole and its newest developments, including its distribution channels and key categories; details the market’s key actors, brands, and competitors of EU SMEs; reveals the challenges and opportunities that EU SMEs may face; and finally presents case studies for reference and further understanding.

In order to provide relevant, concise, and focused information, this report focuses on a few key aspects:

  • In terms of distribution channels, private label food products in China are concentrated in supermarkets, convenience stores, food product distributors, and online platforms.
  • Olive oil, wine, beer, and pet food are key product categories that are highlighted and discussed, providing an overview of the products’ market, consumer trends, and main suppliers and competitors.
  • Recent key developments laid out in this report include the weakening of advantages inherent with certain retail and distribution channels in a fast-changing market, which forces companies to quickly respond and adapt, and product segmentation to meet increasingly diverse consumer demands.


Executive summary

Defining private label foods in China
1.1 Definition
1.2 Key categories

Market overview and developments
2.1 Market overview
2.2 Key market entry and distribution channels
2.3 Key product categories
2.4 Recent and future developments

Key actors, brands, and competitors of European SMEs
3.1 Major private label food brands
3.2 Major private label food suppliers

Challenges and opportunities
4.1 Challenges faced by European SMEs and how to overcome them
4.2 Opportunities for European SMEs and how to take advantage of them

Case studies

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