SCM integral made-to-measure and turnkey solutions for the Chinese market

case-study| 4 April 2020
SCM integral made-to-measure and turnkey solutions for the Chinese market

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The Chinese machinery market has become more advanced in the kind of technologies and services offered. Simultaneously, foreign enterprises operating in China’s machinery market are facing increasingly fierce competition from technologies and services offered by Chinese competitors. “They are fast, more competitive and can rely on increasingly specialized human resources. At the same time, woodworking companies operating in this country are starting to develop a strong national pride and tend to favor made in China products”, according to SCM Woodworking Technology.

This case study describes how the Italian company overcame typical challenges and positioned itself successfully in the Chinese machinery market. It provides EU SMEs with some practical insights on how to differentiate itself in China’s competitive environment.


The EU SME Centre Phase II officially runs out on April 6, 2020. Publications remain available for downloading for EU SME users of the website. For further queries on the reports, you are recommended to contact the authors directly or email at

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