Introducing Polish Dairy to the Chinese Market

webinar| 19 June 2023

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China is the fourth largest dairy producer in the world and the second largest in Asia. The sector generated 90 billion USD (RMB 572 billion) in revenues in 2020 in the country. This makes China the second-largest dairy market after the US and the world’s largest one by dairy imports. The most popular dairy product categories in this market are milk, baby formula and yoghurt. New Zealand, Australia, the United States, Germany, and France are currently among the major suppliers of dairy products for the Chinese market.  

Video chapters

Welcoming words (in Polish)

– Introduction by the Polish National Support Centre for Agriculture (KOWR) and the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

EU SME Centre services to European SMEs

– Introduction by Alessio Petino, EU SME Centre Business Advisor

Get ready to export dairy products from Poland to China

– Start of the presentation by experts Rubén Martínez Gómez and Lydia Ye, EIBENS

Regulatory aspects and technical barriers

– Practical steps for exporters

Chinese dairy market outlook

– Understanding the market and its segments

What to expect for 2023

– Chinese market trends and evolution

Challenges and opportunities for Polish dairy exporters

– Tips on information gathering and business development

Q&A session

– Our experts answer questions from the audience

About this webinar for Polish dairy exporters to China

The EU SME Centre, the Polish National Support Centre for Agriculture (KOWR), the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Embassy of Poland in Beijing have organised in April 2023 a webinar for exporters. During this event, experts provided Polish SMEs active in the dairy sector with insights and recommendations on exporting dairy from Poland to China. Their insights include regulatory aspects, technical barriers, market outlook, as well as opportunities and challenges for Polish dairy exporters.  

Watch this video to:

  • Understand the current regulations and technical barriers to exporting dairy from Poland to China. Learn about the CIFER system, compliance requirements, labelling requirements, and IP protection. 
  • Get important facts and figures on the Chinese dairy market. Understand the domestic supply, consumption trends, dairy import categories. 
  • Understand the opportunities and challenges that Polish dairy exporters should be aware of, and gain insights with our experts’ tips and recommendations.  

Jak odnieść sukces? Wprowadzenie polskich produktów mleczarskich na chiński rynek
Chiny są czwartym co do wielkości producentem mleka na świecie i drugim w Azji. Biorąc pod uwagę przychód w wysokości 90 mld USD (572 mld RMB) w 2020 r. Chiny są drugim rynkiem mleczarskim na świecie, zaraz po USA, oraz największym światowym importerem nabiału. Najpopularniejsze kategorie produktów mlecznych na tym rynku to: mleko, mleko dla niemowląt i jogurty. Nowa Zelandia, Australia, Stany Zjednoczone, Niemcy i Francja należą obecnie do głównych dostawców produktów mleczarskich na rynek chiński.

Biorąc pod uwagę powyższe, EU SME Centre w Pekinie i Krajowy Ośrodek Wsparcia Rolnictwa (KOWR) organizują webinarium, aby podzielić się z polskimi firmami sektora MŚP działającymi w branży mleczarskiej spostrzeżeniami i rekomendacjami jak zwiększyć eksport polskiego nabiału do Chin. Przedstawione zostaną aspekty regulacyjne, bariery techniczne, ogólne perspektywy rynkowe oraz szanse i wyzwania stojące przed polskimi eksporterami nabiału.

Dołącz do szkolenia, aby:

  • zapoznać się z obowiązującymi przepisami i barierami technicznymi w Chinach: dowiedzieć się więcej o systemie CIFER, wymaganiach dotyczących zgodności, etykietowania i ochronie praw własności,
  • poznać ważne fakty i liczby dotyczące chińskiego rynku mleczarskiego, w tym podaż krajową, trendy konsumpcyjne, kategorie importowanych produktów mlecznych itp.,
  • poznać możliwości i wyzwania, o których powinni wiedzieć polscy eksporterzy nabiału i zdobyć wiedzę dzięki wskazówkom i rekomendacjom naszych ekspertów.
Keynote Speakers
Rubén Martínez Gómez
EIBENS Project Manager, Market Intelligence Dept.

Rubén has lived in China for over 6 years, and his career has always been focused on the Chinese market.

He has experience working both for public agencies and private companies. He worked at the Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy in Beijing for the Valencian Agency of Business Internationalisation (IVACE) and worked as export manager for a Spanish leading company in the beer and soft drinks industry, being responsible of China and other Asian markets.

Currently, Rubén is Project Manager at EIBENS’ Market Intelligence department. He manages the company operations related to the development of consulting projects, assigning and coordinating team members activities and elaborating market intelligence reports and presentations. He has successfully conducted food and beverage market research and strategy projects for sectors like meat, dairy, wine, animal fodder, organic, e-commerce, etc. He has deep and up to date knowledge in regulation, marketing, distribution and sales channels in the F&B market in China.

He holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and specialised on international management and business internationalisation through different courses and experiences abroad.

Lydia Ye
EIBENS Market Intelligence Team Member

Lydia is a member of EIBENS Market Intelligence team, being responsible of market research and analysis, and has collaborated in the elaboration of several market reports and presentations, including seminars with the EU SME Centre, covering topics such as organic F&B, dairy, and GI promotion.

She has previous experience working as a consultant, including 3 years in Deloitte, supporting projects of M&A, business cooperation and partnerships, which help overseas clients from a varied range of sectors to invest and expand businesses and channels in the Chinese market.

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