Seichin Consulting

Richard Loomans Founder and Managing Director +31 (0) 619727314 Address

Avenue Ceramique 221, 6221 KX Maastricht, The Netherlands


Organisation Type

International trade consultancy

Member state

Netherlands & Germany


English, German, Chinese , Dutch

About Seichin Consulting

Established in 2020 and headquartered in the Netherlands, Seichin Consulting is a service provider passionate about making a practical difference in the day-to-day work of international companies by solving cross-cultural and trade related misunderstandings,  using analytics.

When people from different cultures work together, they can create incredible synergies. However, when cultural clashes occur, they can lead to communication breakdowns and conflict. Intercultural management is the process of understanding and managing the dynamics between people from different cultures in order to achieve the positive outcomes

Seichin Consulting is a consulting firm for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises seeking new opportunities when doing business abroad,  getting them ready to do business in global markets like China. Doing business abroad, or even within a country is about bridging gaps and building strong business relationships with (global) customers . Every person or company has a story to tell. A story we listen to.

Services we provide are about being ‘compliant’ and/or complying with the laws and regulations in global markets : 

  • Binding Tariff Information (BTI), necessary for product development;
  • Binding Origin Information (BOI) necessary for determining the origin of goods;
  • Interpreting and implementing trade agreements to support decision making (RoO, Trade in services, S&CM, SPS, TBT, Market access)
  • Interpreting and implement international legislation to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • ICC Incoterms consultation
  • Denied party screening
  • Sanction and embargo checks on destination and transit countries
  • Export control classification of the goods
  • Applying for licenses for the export ,technical assistance and transit of so-called strategic goods (dual-use and military goods).
  • Training and workshops (intercultural & international management)

We assist EU business of all sizes expand and compete in global markets.

Contact persons in Europe:
Richard Loomans
Founder and Managing Director (Europe)
Phone: +31 (0) 619727314
Languages : English, Dutch, German

Haijie Zhou
Corporate & International Relations Manager (Germany/China)
Phone: +49 176 22700534
Languages : German, Italian, Chinese (Mandarin)