What is Blockchain and How can EU SMEs Apply it to their Business in China?

  • Date
    30 April 2019 - 30 April 2019
  • Beijing Time
    9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Venue
    Innoway Innoplanet 北京市海淀区中关村创业大街6号楼全球创新社区
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Invented in 2009, the blockchain is a secure distributed ledger technology that records and stores transactions that occur on the network. This seemingly small but profound innovation is seen as a game changer in eliminating the need for “trusted” third parties, thus generating hype.

However, aside from the extensive media attention, there is still misunderstanding and disinformation around this system. For this reason, the EU SME Centre invites you to join a training workshop during which we will describe what is the technology, in which ways SMEs can use it in their business, what are the IP best practices when distributing content in China and will also share a case study.


9:30-10:00 Introduction to blockchain technology and market overview

10:00-10:30 How can Blockchain help EU SMEs when doing business with China

10:30-10:45 Q&A

10:45-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-11:30 IP Rights Protection when distributing content in China

11:30-12:00 CBEC trade and cross border payment

Tracking of Supply Chain to the original producer

12:00-12:30 Case Study: DECENT, content distribution and payment system


To register please send an email to training@eusmecentre.org.cn stating: name, surname, company name, position

About the Speakers

Dr. Marian Podmajersky

During Masters and PhD program, Marian conducted research of self-tuning solver and new computational methods for model-based dynamic optimisation of real-time processes. During company time, he worked as field engineer and project manager for process control, telemetry, supervisory control and IoT. In parallel, he built mining setups for proof-of-work. Lately, he joined the blockchain industry, first, as an advisor, secondly founding research and development hub with focus on ready-to-use lab exercises, templates for use cases, and benchmarks of various deployment setups.

Aida Balbuena-Díez, China IPR SME Helpdesk

Aida Balbuena-Díez is originally from Spain. She is a member of the World Intellectual Property GREEN Experts Database.

She holds a Bachelor in Spanish Law, a Bachelor in French Law, a Chinese Law course, and an LL.M of European and International Law.

She is the author of “Chinese Foreign Direct Investments in Europe and the United States: A comparative study of antitrust regulations”. In Eugenio Briales, from Harvard University & Pablo Sanz, from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (coordinators) “Insights on Chinese Business Law: Analysis of Legal Reforms, Development and Trends” (accepted paper, to be published)

She’s been working on Intellectual Property matters in China since 2016, first as a trainee at the EU Delegation to China and Mongolia, and since then at the China IPR SME Helpdesk.

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