Take Part in the 2nd Belt and Road Economic Development Forum with CCCI

  • Date
    26 October 2024 - 28 October 2024
  • Location
  • Venue
    Multiple venues

This is an external event organised by the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, an MoU partner of the EU SME Centre Phase IV. For more information, visit the official website of CCCI here

Following the 2019 Chinese Business Delegation to Cyprus, the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the Cyprus-China Business Association and the China Association for Trade in Services, are organizing a Business Delegation and Forum in Beijing. The Forum will take place on the 25th of October at the China Hall of Science and Technology and its main focus will be the Science & Technology Industry with emphasis on AI, IT systems, Health Industry technology etc. Moreover, the 26th–28th of October will be dedicated to fieldtrips and project visits. China has remarkable achievements to showcase, particularly as a global leader in science, technology, and innovation. China’s technological advancements and economic growth has also led to investments of the said sector in Cyprus’ economy.

China provides a valuable opportunity for Cypriot businesses to capitalize on emerging trends, as its economy has continued to show resilience, with steady growth in 2023, driven by advancements in technology and innovation. As China diversifies its economic ties beyond traditional markets, the key objective of the delegation is to provide the audience with an overview of Cyprus and the advantages of using Cyprus as a base to Europe and the Middle East region, and the way and means Cyprus can prove to be a strategic gateway for China based companies to expand their reach into those markets.

Chinese Participants at the Forum:

· China cares for the next generation working committee
· Zhongguancun Smart City Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance
· Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine
· Capital Medical University
· Capital Sports University
· Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
· National Development and Reform Commission Training Center

Forum Itinerary

23 Oct 2024 – Departure from Cyprus (flight QR 266 at 13:05)
23 Oct 2024 – Arrival in Doha at 16:40
24 Oct 2024- Departure from Doha (flight QR5578 at 01:45)
24 Oct 2024- Arrival in Beijing at 14:40 local time
25 Oct 2024 – Forum all day event
26 Oct 2024 – Project visits/fieldtrips all day
27 Oct 2024- Project visits/fieldtrips all day
28 Oct 2024- Project visits/fieldtrips morning only (will arrange according to flights)
28 Oct 2024- Departure from Beijing (QR 5577 at 18:05 arriving in Doha at 22:45)
29 Oct 2024- Transit from Doha to Cyprus (QR265 at 07:50 arriving in Cyprus at 11:00)

Kindly note that the group package will be arranged. Interested participants will be informed in due course for the details. Approximate cost not including the flight tickets is estimated to be around 400 euros per person/night (this will include accommodation, transportation, meals).
Also that all participants will have to apply for a Chinese Visa.


  • The business events will take place between the 25 and 28 October 2024 in Beijing.
  • During the Forum, there will be short introductory general presentations on Cyprus followed by presentations by the participating Cypriot Delegation. Delegates will be allocated with a 5 minute slot and the format of the presentations will allow for a 3-minute presentation of the sector represented (in the case of numerous participants from the same sector a call will be organized to split the sectors according to your preferences) followed by 2-minute to present the profiles and company products to the audience.
  • The Forum will be immediately followed by a networking buffet lunch where Cypriot businesspeople will have the opportunity to meet their counterparts. The lunch will be followed by B2B meetings,
  • There will be a cap of 20 Cypriot companies, thus your timely registration is required.
  • Ιn an effort to maximize the quality and success of the event, we have hired a local agency to attract relevant participants to attend with a target of 60 Chinese companies attending the respective events. (The target companies will be based on the interest from the participating companies. Nonetheless, the preliminary list of audience is based on the above mentioned sectors).
  • Those interested to participate are kindly requested to complete the participation form electronically, no later than 02/10/2024. (this is a first come first serve basis -with a cap of 20 companies).

Registration and payment

To register to this event, please go to the official page of CCCI >


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