Getting Ready for the China Market: Preparing for Trade Fairs

  • Date
    26 October 2023
  • Beijing Time
    10:00 - 11:30
  • Brussels Time
    16:00 - 17:30
  • Location
  • Venue
  • Open to
    Members of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH)
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Trade fairs are back in China with no Covid-related restrictions, attracting many European SMEs. While there is an abundance of trade fairs to choose from, attending trade fairs unprepared might have the opposite effect to what SMEs plan to achieve; in some cases, it can even complicate future market entry. Therefore, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), the EU SME Centre and the China IP SME Helpdesk are organising a webinar to help SMEs to attend trade fairs in the best conditions in China.

The IP landscape in China and IP protection at trade fairs

While trade fairs are an excellent means to promote SMEs’ products and find business partners, there are also many IP risks involved, especially when SMEs have not yet taken any steps to protect their IP in China. Before designing a comprehensive IP strategy for the China market, it is important to understand the basic IP landscape in the country. During the webinar, China IP SME Helpdesk IP Business Advisor Lisa Lu will provide an overview of China’s IP landscape focusing on patent, trademark and trade secrets protection and enforcement. She will also provide expert tips and share a case study about best practices on IP protection at trade fairs.

How to prepare for trade fairs in China and market access for SMEs

China has a vibrant convention and exhibition service industry, with more than 10 000 fairs and exhibitions held annually. This provides SMEs with plenty of opportunities to promote their products.  However, merely participating in exhibitions is unlikely to bring many benefits to companies. To transform mere attendance into a marketing success, EU SMEs need to take action and prepare a detailed plan. During the webinar, EU SME Centre Business Advisor Alessio Petino will explain how to identify the most appropriate fairs to attend, how to prepare for the fairs, the main risks involved, and the importance of following up with potential business partners and buyers after trade fairs in China.

Ochrona znaków towarowych i patentów w Chinach to bardzo istotny element skutecznego przygotowania ekspansji na tamtejszy rynek. Chińskie zasady ochrony praw własności intelektualnej mogą być skomplikowane dla polskiego przedsiębiorcy, a naruszenie ich nie należy do rzadkich sytuacji.

Zapraszamy na szkolenie online, na którym przybliżymy zasady ochrony IPR dla przedsiębiorców, aby skutecznie zapobiec ich kradzieży.

Podczas webinarium:

  • otrzymasz podstawowe informacje na temat ochrony praw własności intelektualnej w Chinach,
  • dowiesz się, jak skutecznie przygotować się do udziału w targach, uwzględniając ochronę własności intelektualnej i rejestrację znaku towarowego/patentu,
  • dowiesz się, jakie są najczęstsze przykłady naruszeń i kradzieży znaków towarowych i patentów na rynku chińskim.

Szkolenie poprowadzą:

  • Monika Kołpaczyńska, Business Development Manager Zagranicznego Biura Handlowego PAIH w Szanghaju,
  • Lisa Lu, Business Advisor, China IP SME Helpdesk IP,
  • Alessio Petino, EU SME Centre.

Webinarium będzie prowadzone w języku polskim oraz angielskim.

Udział jest bezpłatny. Liczba miejsc ograniczona.

Agenda (Warsaw Time)

16:00 – 16:10

Opening remarks
Introduction of PAIH

16:10 – 16:40

The IP Landscape in China and IP Protection at Trade Fairs
Lisa Lu, IP Business Advisor, China IP SME Helpdesk

16:40 – 17:10

How to Prepare for Trade Fairs in China
Alessio Petino, Business Advisor, EU SME Centre

17:10 – 17:25

Q&A Session

17:25 – 17:30

Closing remarks

Lisa Lu
China IP SME Helpdesk, IP Business Advisor

Lisa Lu is the IP Business Advisor at China IP SME Helpdesk in Beijing, where she advises European SMEs on intellectual property rights matters. She holds a double master’s degree in law from the China University of Political Science and Law and University of Hamburg. Before joining the China IP SME Helpdesk at the European Chamber, Lisa worked as a trademark attorney for the Ferrante Intellectual Property and Chang Tsi & Partners. She mainly focused on the fields of trademark prosecution, trademark enforcement, copyright protection and unfair competition.

During her time working in both law firms, she dealt with a variety of clients including but not limited to automotive performance, media, entertainment, new energy, apparel, architecture design, data management, e-commerce, household products, HVAC, and fire & security. Her clients included a range of globally leading companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Lisa is fluent in Chinese and English.

Alessio Petino
Business Advisor, EU SME Centre

Alessio has worked for 8+ years on various EU-funded projects in China, mainly conducting policy and regulatory analysis for European companies looking to enter or already in the Chinese market. Key focus areas: market access regulations and barriers, investment attraction policies, standards & compliance – with particular focus on R&D, tech & innovation.

Alessio joined the EU SME Centre in October 2020. He coordinates reports, guidelines and technical assistance to European SMEs; he also delivers training about different market entry approaches and engagements with China, opportunities and risks, as well as do’s and don’ts.

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