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活动具体安排 | Event Details
性类 | Event type : Workshop 讲座
日期 | Date: 2014年6月10日 Thursday 10 June 2014
时间 | Time: 10am – 12pm
地点 | Location: 北京德意志工商中心有限公司, 北京市朝阳区东三环北路8号, 亮马河大厦2座1111. German Centre, Landmark Tower 2 Unit 1111, 8 Dongsanhuan Road, Beijing
语言 | Language: 中文 Chinese
合作伙伴 | Event partner: 北京德意志工商中心 German Centre for Industry and Trade
活动内容 | Event Description
Many companies who are active on the Chinese market find that their product, trademark or know-how has been copied or used by another company for profit. Companies often believe that these infringements are part of the business environment in China, and that it would be too difficult and expensive to take actions to stop the infringers.
The China IPR SME Helpdesk and the German Centre for Industry and Trade invite you to a seminar on ‘Enforcing your Intellectual Property Rights in China’, which will address the following issues:
- 侵权对企业造成的危害及如何制止侵权Learn about the impact infringement can have on your business and how to spot infringement
- 多种维权渠道的比较及实际应用 Gain insight in the different options available to stop infringement and learn how to protect your business
- 获得务实建议并有机会与资深专家一对一单独交流 Receive practical, business-focussed advice from a China IPR expert and have the opportunity to attend a one-on-one consultation session on your individual questions
初步日程安排 | Tentative Agenda
10.00 – 10.30 注册与会前交流 | Registration and networking 10.30 – 10.35 Opening and welcome by the German Centre 10.35 – 10.45 欢迎并介绍服务处,何冬,欧盟中小企业中国知识产权服务处 Welcome and Introduction to the Helpdesk Services 10.45 – 11.05 在保护知识产权方面的职能及维权执法 Introduction to the IP Bureau services and application process 11.05 – 11.30 企业如何在中国进行知识产权维权,演讲人待定 How to enforce your IP rights in China 11.30 – 11.50 案例分析 | SME Case Study, speaker TBC 11.50 – 12.00 问题 | Q&A Session 12.00 与专家一对一咨询 (可选)| One-On-One IPR Consultation Sessions (optional)
与专家一对一咨询 | One-On-One IPR Consultation Session
如 果您想单独与专家交流,就自己的问题获得有针对性的建议,我们可以免费为您安排与资深律师进行20分钟的单独咨询。请务必在注册时告知您有这样的需要以便 我们提前做好安排。所有预约将遵循“先到先得”及只针对中小企业开放的原则。我们承诺对您提供的所有信息进行严格保密。 If you would like to receive confidential one-on-one advice about your China IPR, sign up for a free, 20-minute consultation with our qualified IP lawyer. To ensure you have a chance to meet with the expert, please book your session in advance by indicating your interest when you register. The IPR one-on-one consultation is open to European SMEs on a first-come, first-served basis. Any information you provide to the China IPR SME Helpdesk with be treated as confidential.
注册与取消 | Registration and cancellation
欧盟中小企业中国知识产权服务处举办的各类培训活动仅对欧洲的中小企业及中小企业组织,例如使领馆、商协会等开放。务请律师事务所或提供有关知识产权服务的咨询公司回避。如果贵企业符合条件并希望参加该活动请通过电子邮件注册,邮件地址,并在主题栏注明姓名,活动日期以及附上公司信息。我们会向符合条件的企业发送确认邮件。 China IPR SME Helpdesk events are only available to European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and SME intermediary organisations, such as embassies or consulates, chambers of commerce and trade associations. China IPR SME Helpdesk events are closed to law firms and consultants who offer IPR services. If you meet the criteria and would like to attend please register by emailing with the name and date of the event in the subject line and your company information. You will receive a confirmation email. Because places are limited, in the case of unexpected cancellations please inform the Helpdesk as soon as possible.
关于欧盟中小企业中国知识产权服务处 | About the China IPR Helpdesk
欧 盟中小企业中 国知识产权服务处通过免费向欧洲的中小企业提供有关中国知识产权的基本信息,问题咨询以及相关培训,帮助他们在中国保护和实施其知识产权。除 了对欧洲的中小企业提供以上免费服务,欧洲的中小企业中间人(包括各成员国驻华使馆)也是服务处的受益者。服务处的服务项目涉及广泛,不仅有在中国和欧洲 举办的各种培训活动,还有通过其网站 提供的免费学习工具和指南,更有专家为中小企业量身制定的解决方案——打电话,发邮件还是登录服务处网站均可获得。 The China IPR SME Helpdesk provides free information, first-line advice and training to SMEs to protect and enforce their IPR in China. The Helpdesk’s services are free to European SMEs and SME intermediaries (including EU embassies) and includes training events in China and Europe; online tools and materials at and tailored advice from our expert by phone, Email or though the website.