Cleantech Matchmaking Mission | Shanghai

  • Date
    15 April 2019 - 18 April 2019
  • Beijing Time
    All Day - All Day
  • Venue


In conjunction with the European Cleantech Internationalization Initiative (EC2I), members of TWEED are cordially invited to take part in a matchmaking mission to Shanghai in China, on 15-18 April 2019.

B2B Meetings: what can you expect ?

The objective is to match Belgian and other European companies with Chinese partners to export European cleantech technology to the Chinese market.

The EC2i matchmaking mission is a great opportunity for European cleantech SMEs to take part in tailor-made B2B meetings with Chinese companies and networking events. Based on your needs and preferences, we will facilitate tailor-mademeetings with relevant partners and Chinese investors. You will also be part of a European EC2i initiative, which includes networking with other European technology providersand a clear follow-up process.


China is one of the world’s largest market for cleantech. Due to rapid industrialization and urbanization, China has experienced environmental degradation. In response, the Chinese government has implemented policies to accelerate the deployment of environmental technologies in fields ranging from water treatment, clean energy, and air pollution to soil remediation. Because of this policy push, the Chinese cleantech market will reach EUR2.28 trillion by 2020.

Strategic Partners: who do we work with?


The EC2i partners worked towards securing strong partnerships with Chinese stakeholders. To this end, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with UMore.

The areas of collaboration between the two organizations are the following:

  • Gather market intelligence
  • Give a first feedback to European SMEs on the relevancy of their participation to the mission
  • Mobilize potential buyers and other stakeholders to participate in matchmaking events

China Utility Week

China Utility Week offers a syndicate of end-to-end industry solutions as well as specific zones dedicated to Innovation & start-ups, Intelligent Buildings & Energy Revolution.

The event represents an exciting business opportunity for your organisation to meet with experts from utilities, network operators, vendors, consultants and system integrators and international decision makers, to discuss and test your innovative solutions to drive forward the digital energy transition in China.

China offers great opportunities for international exporters, particularly suppliers and service providers in the areas of high voltage transmission, synchro phasor technology and modernization of transmission operations, Renewable and Energy efficiency and partnerships in Smart City and smart grid projects.

IE expo

As the Asia’s leading environmental show, IE expo China 2019 offers an effective business and networking platform for Chinese and international professionals in the environmental sector and is accompanied by first-class technical-scientific conference program. It is the ideal platform for the professionals in the environmental industry to develop business, exchange idea and do networking.



In order to ensure profitable business meetings, we have made a cooperation agreement with our Chinese partner Umore Groups, which will individually match the companies at the IE Expo and CUW.

Various packages are available and prices vary between EUR 3000 (including booth at the IE Expo, roadshow and B2B meetings), EUR 1000 (roadshow and B2B meetings), EUR 550 (B2B meetings). For more details on the prices, please see PowerPoint above ‘IE Expo & Utility Week – pricing’ (or PDF brochure below).

Support Mobility – AWEX

Pour les entreprises wallonnes fabricantes ou prestataires de services, l’AWEX couvre 50 % des coûts forfaitaires de déplacement à l’étranger(au départ de la Belgique et avec retour en Belgique). Plus d’information :

Participation form

If you wish to participate in EC2i matchmaking mission to China, please fill in the attached participation form ( – 67kb).


What would be the best time for me to apply for a visa before my planned departure for China?

It is advisable that you apply for a visa one month before your intended date of entry into China but not earlier than three months. The Chinese visa is typically valid for three months. If you apply for a visa too early, the visa may expire before your departure. For instance, if you plan to enter China on July 1, the best time to submit your application would be around June 1 (counting working days only).

Please note that the validity of some visas is equal to or shorter than one month. In that case, you may apply for the visa around two weeks before your intended date of entry into China.

More information :


For more information on the EC2I China Mission, the program and opportunities in China, please contact:

Paul Bricout, Cluster TWEED

T: +32 4 242 47 62




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